10 Dec 2020, 23:30

Weekly Alignment - Who are we outside of time?

Tonight we had a chance to notice we still exist even without a past or future. How does a timeless being use its skills while living in time?

Sit back, relax, and discover your truth for yourself. :-)

Noticing your physical body, allow yourself to simply be in the
body, being with your breath.

Your physical body has a past in the physical dimension.  Your
body has had experiences and changes over time.

The body uses oxygen and burns food to give it energy. These are
all natural processes.  The body knows how to take care of itself.

So the body exists in time. And for this exercise, we will allow
ourselves to let go of the body, knowing it will be here when we
are finished, as the body has a future.

So, just thank your body for a moment and allow it to take care of
itself. We will be right back with the body.

Noticing what remains, you might notice mental thoughts and
ideas. These often have a time component based in memories and

So let's also allow these mental constructs to drop away, noticing
what remains as you release everything about your history,
everything about your future, just let it drop away.

Noticing something remains.  There is an awareness.

Mind may come back trying to get your attention. Just allow it to slip away.

Noticing what remains as we drop everything away: all the concepts
of identity, all the words. Just allow them to slip away.

Noticing what remains, releasing all concept of identity or memory.

Noticing in this moment: noticing what is here.  What is it that perceives?

Recognizing even as we release everything; allow everything to
drop away. Something remains.

Who or what is releasing?

Recognizing the part of you which remains, even as we drop away

Allow that part of you to re-inhabit the physical body. Maybe
connect with the notebook, just noticing what's here, capturing
this truth of who you are.

[allow time to write]

Again, allowing everything to drop away. Again, release your
physical body, thanking it for taking care of itself.

Again release any words. Releasing any identity.

Simply be here now.

Recognizing something cannot be released.

Recognizing no name, no form, no desire, no color.

It simply is.

Recognizing this IS-ness has no location, no time; it is always
here. Always now.

And so, as we begin to notice the body breathing, allow the
IS-ness to settle gently within the body, finding everything to be
working optimally, as you settle back into your body.

Beginning to remember this the history you have shared with the
body the experiences it's brought with you

Noticing this IS-ness is always here; always available for your
pure experience.

As you're ready, allow your fingers to begin to move. Remembering
this body has fingers has arms, legs.  Reconnecting with this
physical body. Recognizing the IS-ness remains unchanging, even as
the body changes and moves.

(Recall your super power from last time.)

Recognizing the part of you that remains, even after we release
the physical body [and] release the identity.

Notice this superpower as an innate quality, innate skill that has
come with this life you're experiencing.

Breathing into your ability and your skill which is one of many
skills but just thinking about the one for now for simplicity.

What are some ways that a timeless being can use this skill in an
environment of time?

Recognizing yourself at your essence, to be beyond time, how do
you use this skill within time? .. as you experience time?

This is a superpower offered as part of your package arriving into
this life experience.

This life experience is an opportunity for you to experience using
this power, almost as if it's one chance to use this power.

And yet as you exist beyond time you understand there are infinity

How do you use *this* chance *this* superpower while moving
through time *this* life?

Feel free to note down any inspirations that come.

Feel free to simply sit with your superpower outside of time,
knowing in your experience, you have unlimited time.

How do you serve yourself and others as you're experiencing time

05 Dec 2020, 22:19

Meditation Reconnect with Speaking Freely

This is a meditation from one of my private sessions with a client. It helps recover the energy of being able to speak freely. It’s geared toward women as I use the word “her” a couple of times to refer to the inner child.

05 Dec 2020, 11:20

Meditation for Mindfully Cleaning Your Physical Space

This meditation loops to allow heart-centered cleaning your entire space.

Take a moment to get connected to your body. Feeling present in your physical space, noticing the things around you, their support of you.

Looking around in your physical space. Notice one item that speaks to you. Allow your eyes to alight on it gently and easily.

Feel free to move toward it or connect with this item. You may feel it with your hands, or simply notice it with your eyes. Feel what comes up for you. As you notice this item.

Notice memories that may come up. Notice how it feels for you now thinking of this item in your future.

Thank this item for having been in your life, placing it where it needs to go. Maybe back where it was, or to a new place.

Now sitting and breathing. Notice how you feel after having connected with this item.

And after having decided a new home for it. When you're ready, we'll move on to the next item.

Breathe fully into your body and allow your eyes to gently move around the space, until they alight on some item in the space around you. Notice this item with your eyes. Notice it with your heart. You may touch it physically, or just be present with it in a way that serves you.

Notice what memories come up as you connect with this item. Notice what feelings come up as you are present with it. Let your heart recognize the optimal future for this item with regard to your life. You may choose to release it. Place it in a new area, or leave it in its current place. Thanking the item for its service in your life. If you release the item blessing it on its future path.

If you choose to keep the item, thanking it for its blessing you on your path. Take a moment to re-center yourself after acknowledging this item.

Finding your authentic self. Breathing in your body, allowing yourself to look around the room again. Let your eyes, alight on another item in the room. Moving to that item, you may simply notice it with your eyes, or hold it, and connect with it physically. Notice how it feels seeing this item. Perhaps holding this item, recognizing your history, and how it has served you. Choosing now, how it can best serve you in the future. And where it's home will be going forward. You can choose if it will be part of your life. You can choose if it will be released to a new life of its own.

Make that choice now, feeling confident with your decision. re-centering yourself in your body. Breathing, noticing your breath. Once you feel centered allow your eyes to notice the next thing in your room,

Moving toward that item, notice the feelings that come up for you, as you see it and as you hold it. Maybe bringing your other senses. How does it smell? What's the texture? Really acknowledging this item and its role in your life.

Notice how it feels to see this item now. Noticing your opportunity to choose the future home for this item, whether it be a new life for this item to live on its own, or a shared experience with your own life, and this item continuing to be in your space. Noticing the feelings that come up, noticing the memories that come. Allow yourself to make a clear choice as to how to process this item and moving on with the process. Once you're complete, allow yourself to get re-centered. Breathing fully into your body,

03 Dec 2020, 17:59

Weekly Alignments - Discover Your Super Power

Starting with our Deepest Desire from last week, we explored our innate abilities (our super powers) and how they can be used to help heal ourselves:

This audio is taken from the live interactive recording:

Take a moment and get present in your space.  We'll do just a few
grounding piece, to reconnect with your purpose and inner

Settling into your seat. Just notice your breathing. Just take
some nice, deep breaths. Fully inflating your lungs and body just
let it out.

Breathing in again, fully inflating your lungs and your whole
body. Just let it out.

One more time. Imagine breathing all the way in to all parts of
your body.  Hold it, and...  just let it all back out.

Let your breathing come back to its own natural pace, dropping all
of the tension. All the thoughts and ideas from today.

Just allow them to shrug off your shoulders and drop down to the
ground, to be grounded by Mother Earth.

Recognizing within yourself, this desire to have protection. This
desire to have purpose. This desire to live fulfilled life -
is coming from within you.

A deep part of you is calling to remind you of your true self.

Recognizing that self is here, perhaps buried under fears and
ideas and thoughts about what must happen first. Just allow those
to drop away. Imagine settling in to your true self.

Settling into your inner strength, settling into your inner purpose.

Just notice what it's like having this energy, knowing it's
here...  not having to know when or how we'll use it.  Just
breathing into the truth of yourself, here.

Your full potential is present, allowing you to move into action if
and when necessary.

This is your innate superpower.

And like any superhero, you don't have to wield your power all the
time. It's simply there.

Simply there for your confident weilding as needed, whenever needed.

Take a moment, just jot down what that looks like.

What's it like to confidently wield your superpower when it's

Allow that vision to come to life on the paper. How does it feel
having this power at your disposal?

As you come to completion writing, thank your power for always
being here, just acknowledging it, reacquainting yourself with
this power.

Like a fish swimming, it's not something they think about so much.
It just happens naturally.

Who would like to share what came up?


Beautiful. I like the present tense version of all those as
well. It was great. Simple ways of living, that are empowered by
your superpower there.  Nice, thank you.


Having those actions are natural processes, part of your
superpower of being on purpose in your life. Thank you.

So, the next little bit is take a moment to anchor in your body
which means to make a mental note to yourself, what it feels like
having this power.

You've taken a moment to notice the power. Now just taking a
moment to remember the feeling, the sensation, maybe the voice or
posture of this power.  As it's always here, we may not always
notice what it's like, so just take a moment and notice what it's
like to have this power.  How does it feel in your body?

Once you've got it fully burned into your memory, we'll move on to
the next segment here, which is notice seen the things that
disrupt and occlude your awareness of your power. It's not
occluding your power, which is always there. But just your
awareness might get blocked or distracted from the fact that you
have this power.

More of a mental thing, maybe just as discussion, what are some of
the things that block you from recognizing your power? For me, for
example is worrying about what people will think about me.


We'll go down that road for a bit. Tonight, what are some of the
things that block your awareness of your power, and your
connection to purpose?

The next exercise is: allow allow our brain to spiral out of
control for a bit; we'll stay in control, but we're just going to
let, have some fun with this.

And writing, starting with the top layer. If I try to recall, like
"what will people think?" kind of idea.  You know,.. "what if they
don't respect what you're trying to do" or, you know, whichever
language fits for you best in that regard.

And "if there's not enough time" kind of as the top level, big
fear that I heard. And so these, take a moment to write that down:
the top level fear that's easy to recognize.

We're about to exaggerate it. Yes. Yeah, but for now just, like,
[use] "there's not enough time" [as the topmost fear], something
external to yourself, so "not enough time" and then the "people's
reaction" kind of thing.

And so, right above that line, "what might happen if..." And then
you've got that biggest fear, showing up. So you go one
level... if that happens, go one level deeper. If there's not
enough time what's going to happen? Write that down.  If people
don't respect you... what might happen?

I've never done this exercise in parallel. So if you get stuck
just speak up, but go down about five levels at least. Just let
your mind go crazy about what disaster might happen.


Yeah. We're just. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, like make it worse make it
worse all the way down.

In a way, have fun with it but these are real fears that your mind
is bringing up to you each day.

Go at least five levels, and if you're on a roll just keep it

[What if I get to something positive?]

That's actually fine is keep rolling through it, what might happen
if this positive thing happens?

Well yeah, the self talk also could be part of it, you know, "I
talk down to myself" and therefore, this might happen. Therefore,
this might happen...

Whatever it may be, this is really, we're allowing the brain to
just go crazy and get all this stuff out there, so we can see
clearly what's in here [points to head] as a background noise.


Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah. Again, thank you for driving down into
that. Again, we're putting onto paper. This is what the background
noise may be as I'm going through the day. It was like "this is
what I'm up against? Oh no!" kind of thing.

So, dropping back down to visualization mode, reconnect with that
anchoring we did a while ago, where you know how it feels. You
feel your positive superpower. Ready for you at any moment.

Again, not every moment, just as it's needed. You use it
skillfully.  You use it wisely. Once you're fully connected again
with your superpower, that's always there and your awareness is
fully connected, take a look at that mind chatter that you wrote

How does your superpower serve you clearing through this mind
chatter? What are some ways you can wield your superpower,
skillfully, wisely, artfully, in the face this background mind


Yes, Thor is like, Yeah, he's not bothered. He's like yeah, it
doesn't matter. Perfect. Yeah. Thor as a perfect archetype for her
inner strength. Absolutely. Breathe into that.


Right. Yeah, exactly. There's the power you have
[to connect with others], what is business but connections with
people? And so that's a perfect power to build the connections
that the company has, and new ones that are needed in the
future. So yeah. Breathe into that, that is a natural skill that
you have, and it serves your role.


And so, this is live interactive like so it's kind of a freestyle
as serves the group. So, thank you for deep dive.

Find out more at https://www.robnugen.com/weekly-alignments/ to Attend Weekly Alignments Live.

03 Dec 2020, 10:19

Align with Stillness meditation

01 Dec 2020, 07:04

Dec 03 Weekly Alignments

Feeling lost in the sea of pandemic?

Discover who you truly are and the gifts you offer to yourself and the world.

Do you keep hitting setbacks that throw you off track?

Return to alignment with your highest purpose.

Discover who you truly are in this moment, connecting to your deepest desire and what’s actually holding you back.

Visit https://www.robnugen.com/weekly-alignments/ to register

26 Nov 2020, 23:47

Weekly Alignment - discovering our deepest desire

WWOOWWWW SO GREAT!!! I am super happy with the first Weekly Alignments session tonight.

We explored three points in our Life Timeline and discovered our deepest desires.

I recorded the audio so you can listen below. The recording starts right away, so be sure you find a nice place to relax meditatively then click play or read below:

Here is a transcription of the first part:

Allowing your physical body to relax. noticing the breath moving smoothly. Just allow yourself to relax. Breathing naturally. Imagine your body as it's resting very safely.

Your consciousness is able to begin to lightly float. Feeling the lightness, allow allowing yourself to rise upward out of your body and allow your body to have a protective field around it full of love and light so you can easily return to your body anytime as you continue to move upward.

Beginning to see more of the area around your physical body, moving up until you can see the neighborhood and see even more of the city as you continue to float up and gently and smoothly. Moving up through the sky. Noticing yourself moving through the clouds moving up. Beginning to get to the point that you can see the outline of the land around where you live. Maybe seen the coast continue rising up.

Noticing you can continue to move up and up more easily and more quickly. You can see the shape of the curvature of the planet. moving higher and higher.

Recognizing from this very high vantage point you can see other places you've lived. Continuing to move up, allow yourself to see the timeline of your life.

We're up so high, we've actually moved outside of time itself and can see your life as a timeline as it moves across the planet, different places you've lived. And allow this vision to simply be present for you.

Noticing the places you've lived, noticing the experiences you've had, noticing the desire to explore this state. Explore your life from outside the dimension of time.

Allow yourself to be called by a point along your Life Timeline to a specific point, and time of significance to you. Allow your consciousness to move down toward the earth down toward this point on your Life Timeline. Allow yourself to see this moment clearly, and recognize you're still outside of time itself.

You can move forward or backward through time. See this scene from different perspectives. Notice seeing yourself in this scene. Having this experience from your broader viewpoint, What do you realize needs to happen within this experience for yourself?

Notice what needs to happen to support that version of yourself with the experience. It may be to have a specific help or support. Maybe to have some awareness maybe to know what will happen next. just notice that.

Recognizing that need clearly, make a mental note or write it in your notebook. what needed to happen?

(allow time for writing)

Recognizing this need, allow yourself to go back to this moment and go into the mind of that part of yourself. What was the deepest desire that part of you is experiencing in this moment? What was the deepest desire driving the behavior that led to this moment? Recognizing that desire, take a moment to make a mental note or write in your notebook, the deepest desire from that point in time

(allow time for writing)

And now, in that same vicinity of time. Allow your focus to soften a bit. See what else you notice that you may never have seen before. In this moment, allow this awareness to come clearly and simply.

It may be something you simply know or something you can see. Take a moment to jot down what you notice, some new awareness.

(allow time for writing)

Offering a blessing to this scene, allow your consciousness to gently move away from that point in your Life Timeline. Recognizing this desire yourself had and what was needed at that time. Allow yourself to find another similar point in your Life Timeline that had the same need, or the same deepest desire.

Allow your consciousness to move toward another point in your Life Timeline that had the same need or same deepest desire. Allow yourself to see this scene from outside of time itself. So you can easily move forward or backward through time moving through different perspectives as you need.

Notice the similarities between this moment and the other. Notice the differences even as they share the same need and deepest desire.

Allowing your focus to soften, what else do you notice at this point in your Life Timeline? something you may not have seen before may have forgotten. Allow that awareness to come easily. Now take a moment to write what you noticed similarities, the differences something entirely new.

(allow time for writing)

Offering a blessing to this scene, allow your consciousness to rise upward again so you can see the entirety of your Life Timeline. Allow yourself to notice one more point in your Life Timeline with the same need or the same deepest desire and allow your consciousness to move toward that point. A third point in your life with the same need or same desire remaining outside of time itself.

Allow yourself to move around this scene in time and space noticing the similarities, noticing the differences. Perhaps you see a growth between the two across the time a change in relationships change in a way of thinking.

Allow yourself to notice something new that that part of you did not recognize that the time or recognized and has since forgotten. Something that is clear to you now. See that clearly. Take a moment to write it down, something about this third location along your Life Timeline.

(allow time for writing)

Returning back to the third space point on your Life Timeline, offer your blessing to that point. And allow yourself to move along the Life Timeline toward the present moment. Toward the current moment of now in your Life Timeline. begin moving toward this present moment. So you can arrive back with your physical body.

Getting yourself back into time itself, clearly aligned, perfectly aligned with the present moment and your physical body.

Allow your fingers and toes to wiggle as you arrive back in your body and begin to fully come back into this moment. Once you're ready we'll begin to rejoin the group here.

Before speaking, once you're back in your physical body back in this time and moment, look at your notes using your current awareness, your present mind What do you see in your notes now that you may not have noticed?

Before, we were collecting data. And now we can line up some dots. Once you're finished looking at your notes, noticing patterns let's take a moment to share what you've noticed or share your experience.

Want to explore with us? Read more about Weekly Alignments.

19 Nov 2020, 20:42

Livestream replay Regain Control of Your Life

Take a journey and find yourself with infinite time!

  • Discover deep truths about yourself
  • Experience life outside of time itself
  • Learn who you are within time

Ready for more? Join us interactively on Zoom!

Weekly Alignments

12 Nov 2020, 20:47

Regain Control of Your Life - free online workshop

regain control of your life 2020 nov 19th 7pm

7pm JST Thursday November 19th, livestreamed at https://www.facebook.com/barefootrob.

12 Nov 2020, 18:28

Finding Your Life Purpose video replay

Super gratitude to those who participated live on my Finding Life Purpose livestream.

Do you struggle to get started each day?

Do you search for meaning in your life?

Discover your life purpose!

(Livestreamed 7pm JST Thursday November 12th on FB)