26 Aug 2017, 11:13

mt3 finished drawing circle

11:13 Saturday 26 August 2017 JST

Last night in the middle of drawing the circle which will help me center the bearing on the stage, I had to reglue the guide which I used to show where the pen should draw along the edge, so I paused the livestream while it dried.

17:27 livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6wzdFQO2II started drawing the circle

1:31:35 livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_ysqq0VXc finished drawing the circle

I have spent 1 day 14 hours on MT3 so far.

Here is a link to the playlist which makes up the movies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KjsYc4Mb5g&list=PL0osPGt21FB48UwuhtCUoi9JndC9YDHAZ

Notes to self:

  • don’t have characters carry props that are too heavy for them
  • don’t use permanent ink if characters cannot carry it
  • don’t worry!