23 Dec 2016, 12:34

Lin's Heart

12:34 Friday 23 December 2016 JST

Lin and I just completed a small piece of art I titled Lin’s Heart because it started with a heart shape which she drew in light blue. We took turns drawing on it. It’s not exactly an exquisite corpse, because she chose the colors each time we drew on it, and we each only drew with one color at each swap.

I kinda want to make an art website; maybe I should re-start uploading to Tumblr, Canvas, and then post items for sale on the bitcoin one. (I wonder if it’s getting more traction.)

12:59 Friday 23 December 2016 JST

I’ve just named the four pieces started on the bus today:

  • Nigata
  • Niigata
  • Lin’s Heart
  • Nivgata

The romanization of 新潟 gave me the naming idea.

13:00 Friday 23 December 2016 JST

It looks like we’re in Niigata now, plus the announcement said the next stop is the last stop for this bus. I thought the driver said we’ll be there by 13:30, so I guess we might be earlier than expected (or it’s further from “last stop” announcement to the last stop than I imagine) (or both).