Webinar starts at 18:00 JST Wednesday 28 August 2024

Confident and empowered woman who will present the webinar


For light workers, healers and facilitators who are ready to shine their light in the world and how to prosper from their gifts.

Do you desire to share your soul’s work to bring radical change to the heart and consciousness of humanity?

Are you looking to prosper from your gifts but donโ€™t know how to financially and sustainably?

Do you struggle to live in two worlds of the material and the spiritual as a heart-centered leader?

What if you could live abundantly from the truth of who you are?

So many healers, practitioners, light workers and creatives are struggling to successfully turn their purpose into prosperity.

I decided to put together this free webinar because I want you to succeed in serving humanity from a place of alignment and abundance. I know what it’s like to struggle in poverty and emotional bankruptcy, especially starting out in a spiritually based business, the obstacles and challenges and what it takes to make this a fully fledged career, not a passion project.

We need more light workers to accelerate the rise of consciousness and elevating the heart of humanity to restore love, compassion, harmony, collaboration, connection and prosperity in our relationships and communities to shift the energetics of where the world is heading.

Will you accept this mission to stand in your light and let the world see you? If you said yes, I’m so excited for you! This is your time to shine!

Here’s what you’ll learn from this live webinar…

  • My entrepreneurial journey from living paycheck to paycheck in corporate slavery and stuck in my financial karma through ancestral poverty to being self-made, traveling the world to living a nomadic life and expanding my work interstate and internationally

  • What are the top 5 business mistakes you should avoid as a healer that diminishes your self-worth (and prosperity frequency!)

  • Why you need to restructure your emotional landscape for a thriving business and how I used this to generate $25K in 1 month

  • Experience a light language transmission, high frequencies and guided quantum meditation to start dislodging and clearing energetic and emotional blockages held in your energy field, body and consciousness with fear and insecurities that are in the way of being in alignment with your light

  • Q&A, sacred shares and next steps moving forward in my high level 4 month online mastermind called Divine Prosperity, enrollment is open for 5 heart-centered light leaders only

Date: Wednesday 28th August
Time: 10am-12pm BST | 6pm-8pm JST| 7pm-9pm AEST
Where: Zoom with 48 hour replay

๐ŸŒ  Register now: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqc-qqpzIiEt34_b02nTuwU92tsA9TLljP

About The Facilitator

Jess X Goh helps burnt out, heart-centered professionals to overcome the impacts of childhood abuse. She facilitates this by releasing anger and grief to reduce their anxiety (drug-free). What has led Jess to her spiritual path is to make peace with her traumatic past of domestic violence, sexual abuse and toxic family dynamics. She has successfully rebuilt her relationship with her dysfunctional mother and estranged brother. Jess runs Life In Confidence, an international trauma recovery practice for over 8 years serving 1000+ high achievers.

๐Ÿ’œ Website: https://www.lifeinconfidence.com
๐ŸŒป YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Life-In-Confidence