16 May 2023, 06:52

0101 Things I learned from Old People

Granddad: “I’m just damn fine.”
Emotions are important

Monner: “Stop sending me these checks.”
Grandmother and God loves me no matter what

Ricky: “Now it’s time to build the magnificent structure on the foundation you’ve created.”
My life has purpose

Fred: “We can’t blame dad for our problems anymore.”
I choose how I show up in the world

Dad: “If two trees are leaning against one another, what happens if one falls?”
Find your inner strength

Ma: “You boys are driving me up the wall”
Parents are people too.

Jon: “That Guy in Austin”
no one knows who you are. Use that to your advantage; everyone is too worried about themselves to worry about you.

Rob: “It takes longer to live a life than read a biography”
change takes time in 3D.

Anikiko: “Follow The Whispers”
How many different ways can I say the same thing?

John: “Tell them I’m the expensive one”
You create your own life

Paola: “If you’ve found a program that works, grab on.”
No need to compare spiritual paths
Prodigal son story

Frederick Marx: “it falls to each generation to teach the new generation”
I burst into tears when I read that. Oh fuck. I can’t do it. I must do it. Aaaggggghhh and that was…. (checks email) 8 months ago.

Joe McMoneagle: “Just start planning”
Whatever you wanna do starts with an idea.

Robert Monroe: “Life on earth is addictive”
We want to come back again and again (to resolve our karma = mismatch from living according to Love –> Law of One)

______: “God dwells in you as you”

Robert Golden: “What do you really want to do?”
well, I want to walk across Japan..