22 Jun 2022, 11:30

How long have you been carrying your path?

Like many people I know, I’ve got a TODO list about 25 miles long (40 km), tangled up in knots in my head, stacked on my desk, on shelves in various places, waiting patiently in my inbox.. Plus all the things I should be doing, (like this newsletter) but haven’t, for an untold number of reasons.

The main excuse for not writing my newsletter these days is that I should be working on my “real” work. I haven’t yet replaced my “real” work with my heart-centered work, so my real work gets in the way.

I’ve been carrying this real work with me for years and years, like a heavy rock that weighs me down.

Just today I heard an idea from Miki, one of my friends who I’d also like to call one of my mentors as well. This came from one of her ancestors, so with respect to Miki’s ancestor, I will share with you:

"What you let go of becomes your path."

By releasing things that take mental / physical / financial space in life, we can release ourselves to move forward. Instead of carrying these things like old rocks, we can put them down so they become paving stones for our path forward.

Have you been carrying something that has outlived its service in your life? Does putting it down make sense, but cause anxiety for you when you think about it?

Let’s talk, in a deep coaching conversation. We’ll explore your situation deeply, giving you ample time and space to get clarity on how to move forward.

Love and Blessings

  • Rob