01 Jun 2019, 20:29

State of My Life Address
20:29 Saturday 01 June 2019 JST
  1. I met Yuri Logo today to talk about making a logo for my brand. She was recommended by Rin so I was like yay! She asked lots of questions and said she had good ideas for it. I could see in her smile the excitement and I felt good about that.
  2. I will be working with Rin in a life coaching capacity. I look forward to an accountability partner and learning some new facilitation techniques.
  3. Marble Track 3 website now has a Construction section, which shows some of the snippets. Not all the snippets are there, and they are not all fully fleshed out yet, but I look forward to finishing that section, especially if I can do it via a data file which can be parsed in differen ways.
  4. Lin has been enjoying her new job and will soon get to have flex time hours, going from 10am to 6pm. Hopefully the trains will be a bit less packed in the mornings.
  5. We bought a laser printer recently. I did it out of frustration of buying tons of ink for the inkjet printer, and now I realize what a great investment it is. Now I can print pages like wheeee instead of having a gut wrenching wonder if I would get streaks in the pages.
  6. I used the printer to print a flyer for our Japanese workshop coming up in July.

Japanese Journey of Heart July 2019

Some people could not scan the QR code, so I made one with a normal square QR code https://b.robnugen.com/mkpjapan/workshops/2019/Japanese_Journey_of_Heart_July_square_QR_code_2019.png

  1. I just recently decided to plan on attending a workshop in Houston in October. (ShadowWork Facilitator Training) I have not gotten it sorted out with the organizer yet; I asked him if I have the prerequisites.
  2. I bought https://wanb.us/ which I might use for my Urbit star, ~wanbus.
  3. I created a template for something like a Five Minute Journal (which takes more than five minutes, but gives a structure to what I write). Kinda like a captain’s log, tracking some different metrics: eating, sleeping, meditation, books, exercise, kisses
  4. I got the idea from Hiro, who has apparently been doing it for years.
  5. After doing these for a few days, I thought it would be cool to be able to print customized templates for people. So if you have a template you’d like to print, send it to me and I can print it out.
  6. I think my knee chair has got to go cause it might be hurting my knees and hips. I wanna get a yoga ball chair (again). I will request one on Freecycling Tokyo.
  7. It’s now June 5th. Yesterday I did my first session with Rin, and came out with seven affirmations, organically discovered by doing a (n apparently NLP) process that could be called “What do I gain?”
  8. “What do I gain by not following my dreams?” (snip long chain of answers and question repetitions featuring new answer) “I know people love me.” Wait, what??
  9. It also makes sense though, in my experience of facilitating “What’s at Risk” hundreds of times. When I go through that series of questions, I end up with “I will be alone” (which is about the opposite of “I know people love me.”
09:44 Monday 23 March 2020 JST

I scanned this in March 2020. It was written in mid 2019 while I sat with Mark in Jonathan’s near Mukogaoka Yuen station.

2019 mid my weekly schedule monies