09 May 2018, 11:57

mt3 dedicated domain

11:57 Wednesday 09 May 2018 JST

Hey Nathan

I am making a marble track, a.k.a. rolling ball track, similar to this
one I made several years ago, visible here https://mt2.robnugen.com/

This time, however, I am not just making the track, I am also making a
stop action animation of some characters making the track.  Clips of
the video so far are here https://mt3s.robnugen.com in a playlist.
(No audio nor background yet; that is a whole other project (I asked
you about Blender before))

The project is about 5% finished, and has taken a year to get this
far.  I don't have many followers yet, but I would like to have a
domain dedicated to the site while I build and document the whole

So basically, I want to make a site for the content visible here
https://mt3.robnugen.com/, but with branding specific to Marble Track
3, not Thunder Rabbit.

I think I "just" need a Hugo theme; I am using Hugo (static site
generator) to make the current site, including blog, photos, and
embedded Youtube videos.  I write pages in markdown format, using YAML
format for the frontmatter(1) (meta data: title, date, tags)

From this example source file

Hugo creates

I want to keep using that markdown + YAML format so I do not have to
disrupt my current workflow too much.

Here is my current theme https://github.com/thunderrabbit/purehugo-tr

How do we go about pricing such a thing?  I would be happy to include
a link to your site as designer.

   See you soon!
   - Rob

(1) https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/#front-matter-formats

21:35 Sunday 13 May 2018 JST

no reply yet

15:56 Monday 28 May 2018 JST

Still none. I wrote to Jackie.