06 May 2018, 20:47


20:47 Sunday 06 May 2018 JST

Egad I got my credit card bill (yay I have a credit card) and holy shipes I should have been a bit more careful. Gotta sort out $450 by the tenth. I would think I should have this shit figured out by now.

In other news, Lin and I walked into one of the unfinished homes near our house. Did not stay too long and did not go to the second floor because there were no stairs installed yet.

Oh, and I went to SOGO this morning. Raisu was back, now living in Japan so will attend more often. Kay had to bounce early and Thanuja was not there at all, but Oliver came! Yay! Had not seen him in over a year.

Oh, and I spent a good bit of time working on ConSwi.