15 Oct 2017, 08:46

aunt and uncle in town

08:46 Sunday 15 October 2017 JST

Great to have a-san-su and a-san-su-mei staying with us for a couple of days! I met them around the time Lin and I got married, so it’s been a few years since we’ve seen them! Lin’s sisters and kids came over last night for big dinner and lots of laughter. Middle sister and I did cheers a couple times with red wine and limone, respectively. I tried to find an ordering around the table that would have a smooth transition between languages spoken. Couldn’t solve it even with just 3 languages involved.

The kids played with the French vertical labyrinth kinda game, and did pretty well. The youngest was the most willing to play. Middle kid just watched TV and the oldest focused on social media via cellphone. We all focused on brownies and ice cream at the end of the evening. So decadent!

Sisters and kids left around 10pm and then we pretty much headed to sleep.

This morning I showed aunt and uncle Marble Track 3 so far (finished first four clips (5 minutes 28 seconds (~3936 frames)))

Now headed to TY.