28 May 2021, 11:00

Do you ever just need to talk?

Do you want to just get something out of your system? Talk with an empathetic human? Just vent?

Reach out to me.

I offer my direct attention via Zoom/Skype/Telegram/phone for up to an hour, you write a public testimonial (or pay 10,000 yen if that is simpler for you).

All confidential, and I am not a counselor so I have no reporting requirements.

Message me to arrange a time.

01 Apr 2021, 05:36

Who you are is why you are here

Who you are is why you are here.

I just got an email from Lisa at Thought Leaders Business School.

Who you are is why you are here.

This is such a perfect example of the Why of my walk.

Fully expressing who you are at the deepest levels makes the world a better place.

Deeper than the chatty flighty fighty brain chatter level, who you really are..

..is why you are here.

If you are ready to discover who you really are, email me, call me, find me and let’s get started.

25 Feb 2021, 18:21

Weekly Alignment - Looking into Mirrors

light reflecting in three emoji shaped mirrors

Thank you for exploring this topic. And feeling the energy and recognizing this very deep seated desire for peace of mind.

Breathe into this concept of peace of mind, which may feel like just an idea or some kind of faraway state.

Just allow it to be anywhere it is. No need to change.

Simply being in the moment, recognizing the reflections we see in the world, are reflections from inside of us.

So, step stepping into this peace of mind can allow our reactions to the world to also have peace.

Simply notice the reaction. Notice what it’s trying to gain.

And recognize it’s also seeking this peace of mind.

Notice how both our desires and reactions may be pointing toward peace of mind.

Feeling the peace in your body, allow your mind to relax and sink down into your body.

Fully experiencing the body and its peace.

As your body sinks into the peace, allow it to become peace of mind.

Notice here noticing your breaths, we’ll begin to come back into our shared space.

Allowing the peace in your body to bring peace of mind.

Remembering you can access this anytime you like

Expressing gratitude for your body. Gratitude for your breath and gratitude for the peace. Allow yourself to come back into our shared space.

My pleasure thank you.

(image credit https://bitchcr4ft.tumblr.com/post/146662807148/bitchcr4fttt)

18 Feb 2021, 11:51

Weekly Alignment - Handling self doubts and what-ifs

Statue having doubts about itself

Today we explored a new way to acknowledge doubts that come up. This process gets to the bottom of the purpose of doubt in your life and how to move forward without doubts.

(image credit: https://inventwithwords.com/2018/10/06/as-you-near-project-completion-the-voices-creep-in/)

As we get started, let's take a moment to get present in this space.

Simply noticing your breathing, noticing your body.

Recognizing your body takes care of itself.

You can just enjoy living in the body in this moment.

Enjoy experiencing this moment without concern for the future or
past. Just be here now.

Noticing any feelings or emotion in your body, simply allow them to

Notice the sense of calm and peace in the background, allowing that to
fill your experience, this ever present present moment.

Not waiting for the next; simply here, allowing the moment of now to
open up.

as we begin to come to a shared space, allow this feeling of calm to
continue the silence to continue even as you're listening even as
you're speaking,

still being in the silence.

At your own pace, allow yourself to come back into our shared space.


(Welcome new members and ground rules for live workshop)

Last week, our topic was letting go. And we allowed things to come in
as we let go of energies that no longer serve us. And for those who
We're here last week. I wonder how that was for you during the week?
And if you'd like to speak about that you're welcome. Did you allow
anything to go or notice anything coming in that serves you better?

settling down into today, I forgot to mention, if you have a notebook,
pen and paper notebook or something handy, then that will be
good. We'll have an option to make lists or make notes for
yourself. And the first bit is about the doubts and fears or the what
ifs that that habitually come up for you. So, just an invitation to
brainstorm doubts and fears that frequently come up for you. You don't
have to share these with the group. They're simply for your personal

Looking over this list, notice the ways you react when the doubts come up.

How does the energy of the doubts affect your movements in your life or in the moment?

Take a moment and to write some of those down as well.

For me, some examples are like overthinking, or procrastinating. over eating...

How do you react when the doubts come up for you?

In my imagination, this second list might be easier to share. If you
want to share any of your reactions to doubts, feel free, or your
doubts themselves. You're welcome.

Nice. Thank you. Thank you all for sharing how your, your body or your
mind reacts to the doubts that come up. I want to use this reaction as
a key, or as a reminder for something that I'll describe in our
meditation process.

Take a moment to get re connected to your body, you may close your
eyes, if that serves you or keep them open. Simply noticing your body
in this moment of relaxation and relative stillness.

And think about or feel the sensations in your body that come up when
there are doubts in your mind. Just imagine having doubts about
something. Or if you have current doubts about something, just
slightly activate those in your mind. And notice your body's
response, or notice your mind's response.

Getting fully into this reaction to the doubts.

It's like an automatic habit that you have had for a long time. This
bodily response, this mental response.  Feeling it, feeling the
response, we're going to add one more habit, as a reminder: to come
back to the present moment.

To breathe, simply notice what's happening in your physical
body. Whether it's noticing the reaction, or noticing the reaction
drop away as soon as it is seen...

Allow the reaction to be a reminder to come back to the present

Noticing your body, noticing the reaction as it drops away,
allowing it to bring you to the present moment.

So we're going to practice, two more times, same process. Allow some
doubt to come into your body, into your mind. Notice your doubt coming
up. Notice your body's reaction to it, whether you're getting tense or
frozen. Or overthinking. feeling fear, feeling sadness.

Feel it, feel it. And then "ah!" remember. Bringing it back to the
present moment. Then breathe

nice full belly breaths

overlaying this present moment automatically as those sensations come
up in your body,

allowing the sensations of the fear to relax.

Allow them to drift away,
as you are here, mindfully in the present moment,
calmly back in the truth of who you are.

Now, for this third time, we're going to do the same process and then
do a little interview with that part that's causing the reaction.

I'll ask the questions for that part, and then just allow you to write
the answers that come.

So going back into the state of doubt, feel the doubt your body in
your mind not knowing what to do. Wondering if you deserve good
treatment, wondering if you can say it.

Feel that doubt, feel your body's reaction. Feel it, feel it. And then
remember and breathe again.

And in your mind allow this reaction to
have a seat next to you. And we're going to interview this part just
allow the answers to come naturally.

Welcoming that part, that reaction into the chair next to you.

First question, what role do you serve in my life? What's your
intention for me?

Write the answers that come up on this question. What role do you
play? What's your intention for me?

Now, for the second question How long have you been doing this for me?
How long have you been in my life?

Now the third question.

When you are here, how may I address you? What name May I call you?

Take a moment to thank by name. Thank this part for its service. And
we'll move on to the next question.

Next question. What happens to me? If I don't listen to you?

What happens to me if I don't listen to you?

Thanking the part by name again, we'll move to the next question. What
happens to me if I do listen to you?

What happens to me if I do listen to you?

Thanking the part or the answer move to the next question Would you
like a different role in my life?

Would you prefer a different role in my life?

Thanking the part, I have a follow up question would you like to
retire from my life? and have your own life?

Would you like to retire? and have your own life?

Thanking the part to move on to the next question. What's the best way
for us to move forward?

What's the best way for us to move forward?

Thanking the part by name move to the last question. Is there anything
else you would like me to know?

What else would you like me to know?

Thanking the part again. Allow yourself to either reconnect if you
have a new job together or allow the part to move on to their new

Re-settle yourself in your body,

thanking the part by name

Settling smoothly into potential new roles.

And as you're ready, allow yourself to come back into our shared space.

And I'm curious what you learned about this part of you that has given
you the reaction to doubts comes up.. Did you learn something about
yourself or learn about its role? What came up for you? You don't have
to share if you don't want to.

This process can be used multiple times. Thank you for exploring this
under a new way to see the doubts and reactions to them in life.

11 Feb 2021, 17:32

Weekly Alignment - Letting Go

Weekly Alignments 7pm Thursdays JST

(image credit https://www.instagram.com/p/BIQJjgDDjvk/)

Learn how to use your subconscious to manifest your desires (sigil magic), and enjoy a meditation allowing new things in to your life.


Today's concept is letting go. And there's a couple ways we can
practice letting go.

What's coming up as an idea is creating a vision for ourselves in
either a visual image if you if you enjoy sketching things out and
drawing, or it could be a text description like words describing your
optimal situation.

So of those two options, do you have a preference? If it would be
visual or verbal?

Yeah, and we can do both, I mean, in this case, I'll say "create your
vision," you'll be either writing words or drawing the vision.

Hmm? Yes, good, this, drawings will work in this process as well. So
just starting with whatever is most comfortable for you.

Take a moment to get in your mind, a vision of something you want to
create for yourself or to experience for yourself.

Make sure your request is something that is neutral to those around you.

You can say for example, "I receive money."

But do not say, "that one guy will pay me back money."

Or you can say "I receive love." But don't specify who you want to love you.

By keeping it neutral is safe practice.

Trying to change someone's will is a type of black magic. So be sure
you keep your request neutral for the universe, and the people around

And we're going to do a process that allows it to be handled by your
subconscious is one way of saying it.

So starting with the verbal description that you can write, take a
couple minutes to describe the optimal situation that you want to
create for yourself, and it could just be one one small topic.

Take about
a minute or two minutes, write 10 or 20 words that described this
optimal situation.

Any one that you pick now is fine. This process works best if you do
it multiple times and the reason will become clear as we do the

So don't worry too much about choosing the perfect one. Just allow
yourself to choose something that you want to create or experience in
your life. You don't have to share it with us. These can be your own
private desires, whatever they are.

Let me know once you have your phrase written.

Mine came out to 12 words. So 10 to 20 words is probably easy to work with.

And you can you can do this multiple times.

So, once you have your, your phrase your description, we're going to use
the letters of this description to create a symbol that represents
this phrase.

And there are many possible ways that this can be done, I'll go with
one that I learned from one of my teachers to start by removing all of
the vowels in the phrase.

So, leaving the consonants you can just cross out the vowels and then
rewrite the phrase with just just the consonants.

And then any repeated consonants will not get repeated in the new

So removing the vowels, you're writing just the consonants that are
there one time for each consonant in the description.

And then once you have the consonants, kind of extracted will then
create a a symbol, I lost the word [sigil], like a seal.

So for me, I have the letters R, T, N, L, Y and then etcetera, that
I'm going to incorporate these into one symbol using just these

And they can be upside down or sideways. They can be merged
together. Anything that makes a unique a unique shape, that may be
interesting to look at.

Letters can be backwards or whatever. So I've come up with this,
incorporated all my letters here upside down and backwards and
sideways all merged into one shape.

And these are the consonants that I extracted from my phrase.

And then can refine this, this symbol, kind of melt it down, by
rewriting it until the actual words are out of your memory.

They're gone from your memory and i'ts just just the symbol that

allow this symbol to get more and more symbolic.

And I just looked up the word it's called sigil, S-I-G-I-L that we're

I've got my sigil down to this shape here.

2021 feb 11 sigil

So the letters are almost not even visible anymore. But the
subconscious remembers.

I'll describe the next part but before doing it, the recommendation
would be to create some more sigils using the same concept until you
don't remember which one is which, but your subconscious remembers.

And creating that break in consciousness as part of the "letting go"
process that we're allowing the, the spirit or the the universal magic
to, to bring this into our awareness or into our lives.

And the next step once you have forgotten completely what the symbol
was for what's the sigils for: get into a highly emotionally highly
charged state.

And one of the most common versions for this is a sexually charged
state, to the point of orgasm in whatever way is best for you, whether
with a person or without, and take one of the sigils and look at it
during your experience of orgasm and let it burn into your mind.

and memorize it and feel it and not remember what it was but just
completely in that moment of, of high emotional energy, positive
emotional energy, charge that sigil into your mind and your memory and
then let it go.

Lose the paper it's done. And that's the process of using the sigil to
allow your your subconscious mind to bring this into your life with
emotional and spiritual connection.


For the next part of tonight, I wanted to talk about what it means for
you to let go of something and what does it What does it require to
change in your being to let something go?

This is a very broad topic. So whatever answers come up for you are

Using what I heard you guys speaking, I wonder if we can do a little
meditation process that might facilitate the letting go.

So, take a moment to settle into your space, using this as a miniature
letting go. Letting go of any tension in your body.

Letting go of your breathing.

Letting go of your mind as it may continue to run or not. Just let
that go. Either way is fine.

Recognizing that the mind may have its own ideas for how to control
things or how to bring things into fruition

and yet, you know from experience that most things are not yours to control.

So just for a moment, allow the mind to drift away.

Just let go of the mind for this moment.

Having already created the vision for what you want to achieve or what
you want to experience.

Allow yourself to trust the process.

Trust that the universe has heard your request.

And the entire universe is in motion toward fulfilling your highest desire.

As creative beings we create with our vision with our intention,

sending the vision out into the universe and allowing it to be
reflected back, effortlessly on our part.

Allowing yourself to allow a new vision into your life,
opening your heart, with the power of spirit within you.

Expand expanding your being to its full potential.

And allowing this answer from the universe into your life, into your

And as we enjoy this new experience, there will become a next desire
or a next want.

We create an intention or create a vision based on the new desire, the
new want.

visualizing it, and trusting the universe has heard.

Allowing ourselves to grow into the being who is ready for the answer,
ready to allow this new vision into your life.

This is an ongoing cycle, happening effortlessly as we live.

and adjusted exactly to the size we allow ourselves to accept.

Practice allowing yourself to be filled from within by the infinite
spirit fully embodying all of your parts all of your being,

allowing them to be manifest into our lives.

In a moment, we'll be coming back into our shared space.

Recognize this as a miniature version of the same:

visualizing seeing with your physical eyes: the room around you and
the computer screen

allowing the being inside you to grow into that space of eyes
open. Bringing this vision into reality

Allow each vision to be as seemingly as simple.

In the book Course of Miracles, it says there's no order in
miracles. They're all the same size.

If anything came up for you during that exercise, you're welcome to
share if you like.

04 Feb 2021, 12:09

Weekly Alignment - Digging In

Zeus digging for China

(image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/doggybytes/4194393778/in/photostream/)

Digging in to the truth of who we are allows us to fully embody our being. Notice we are animated from within by the breath of life.

I imagine the search could seem complicated, and allowing yourself
to settle within the concept:

I am the one I've been waiting for kind of idea, you know, we are
the ones we've been waiting for. is very supportive idea for me,
it's scary in a way to say "who me? Oh, no!"  kind of, kind of

And it has really turned out to be true in a lot of ways, for me
over many different aspects of my life.

So the, the search continues for, as I hear you saying, and the
invitation to allow the search to come from within with your own
superpowers and your own gifts to the world.

And certainly keep listening to the great masters and the the
people who have recognized the truth of who we are in the, in this

What's coming up, for me is the the concept of being grounded
within the search itself and within the work of moving forward in
the processes.

A lot of things can come up, and if, if we stay grounded, then
whatever comes up is simply something that we notice on the on
the, like, outside of us, so to speak, or within the hologram of
the game that we're playing.

We can remain grounded in the self for the duration of however
long that lasts within within the vision of our life there.

So just to get started, May I invite you to feel this physical
body and feel it sitting relaxed in your chair or in in your seat.
Just fully embodying your body.

Noticing it has been breathing this entire time. That breathing is
there to serve you as you share your gifts with the world.

Allowing the entire space around you to support your being

noticing your breathing.

noticing the thoughts that may come up, just allow them to go by

allow this present moment to expand.

As Alan Watts has said many times the moment on our clock is
measured with a hair line, second hand and we We tend to think of
this present moment as a miniscule, tiny fraction. My invitation
to you is to allow this moment of Now to begin to open.

So it's actually beyond time, this moment of now,

Allow your sense of this moment, the sense of your being to gently

expanding in space,

expanding in time,

recognizing it's all the same stuff, this space time.

So the projection that we see around us, appears to be external to
our bodies and our experience.

Actually, we include it.

Notice what it's like to literally include time and space within
your being.

From this perspective, all of timespace becomes very small as we
see from a grander perspective.

Imagine coming back, focusing more on your physical body.

Whereas you include all of time space, your physical body is
included within space time.

Allow yourself to bring your focus back to your physical body gently.

Slowly coming in to your physical body, noticing the difference in
perspective of the physical body being inside space time versus
our true nature including space time itself.

As you re embody your physical body in this moment,

notice some of the thoughts and ideas that you've had planned for
yourself been wanting to do, whether they're well fleshed out, or
still exploring and moving forward.

Take a moment to write down some of those that come to mind. Some
ideas you've wanted to do.

You may have one big one that's very clear, or few options like a
to do list. Anything is okay.

(pause for writing)

Allow your allow your list to come to completion and find one
topic to focus on for a little discussion.

The idea of digging into this one topic. What are some things that
you may have to let go of in your life in order to fully embrace
this topic? To fully bring it into your life?

(fifteen minute discussion of above question)

And simply the the practice of meditating, whether it's 15 minutes
per day, or one minute, 15 times per day,

This concept of meditation is simply being with myself for this

And it doesn't have to take us a long or a whole elaborate
arrangement. But even in any moment, just be with yourself, and
then forget about it.

"Ah, that's right."

And just be with this help at any time. It's like a continuous
meditation. Anytime you forget, just bring your focus back. And
notice. And it's a continuous process.

(discussion time)

Having the idea of your your list or the item on your list there,

noticing the parts of you who are already connected with this item.

parts of you that are already connected or optimized.

breathing into those parts of your optimal self.

These are your superpowers we've talked about before.

We have many superpowers. We breathe into the ones that are
aligned with this particular topic. Those parts of us that are
already well established. Simple for us to do.

Breathe into those and allow their strength to expand within your
being bringing online other parts of yourself that may not have
had as much practice

Allow your well developed parts to offer energy to the parts that
may desire more energy

as the infinite power of the universe animates.

Allow this animation to expand to all parts of your being.

Blessing all parts of yourself

activating all parts of yourself

really digging in to the truth of who you are.

An infinite being having this experience within a physical body.

The ego has ideas about what needs to be fixed, what needs to be

Recognize everything is perfect.

Everything is correct.

Simply allowing yourself to consciously feel the being.

This being is your groundedness is your ultimate anchor.

Let your consciousness shine like a light within your being

and your light shining out for other people to see.

As you settle fully into your being

allowing your being to effortlessly express itself within the world.

Allowing your work to energize you

feeling excited as you in body more and more of your being

continuing to take moments to notice your being allow this to
become a regular practice. Oh yeah, here I am.

In a moment, we will come back into a speaking mode. Just feel
this experience now in this moment as your awareness is failing
more of your being

As you are aware of more of your being.

Allow yourself to take a mental note or a mental snapshot of this
feeling. So you can refer to it at any point

teller becomes second nature to simply be in full embodiment.

allowing a few more breaths at your own pace.

Simply notice your body breathing itself.

As you notice your Being being itself

Reinforce this mental snapshot of this experience. Keep it in your
proverbial back pocket. So you can call it up at any time

begin to re embody the physical bodies

I welcome you back into this shared space.

(The above transcript was extracted from our live interactive Weekly Alignment on Thursday night.)

Join us for Weekly Alignments online Thursday nights 7pm JST.

04 Feb 2021, 08:24

Expanding MKP Japan into Japanese language

Growing since Fall 2015, Mankind Project Japan now has a weekly men’s group on Tuesday nights. We have experienced significant growth since moving to an online format since April 2020.

I believe the group now has enough men who speak Japanese (I count at least 9) to staff a Japanese speaking open online group in a format analogous to MKP USA’s Open Online Men’s Group.

31 Jan 2021, 18:29

On the importance of living in joy

No matter which side of any debate you are on, I want you to find your answers from within your Self, streaming in from your personal connection to God instead of from the chaos of (social) media.

Stop reading this email and just chill for a moment.

How long did you chill? Five minutes? One minute? One second?

Every second, 8+ hours worth of content is uploaded to Youtube. Trying to keep up with everything is literally impossible for a human. Let God filter through all the details of life and guide you in the best way.

You may ask, “how does God guide me?”

“Through your feelings,” I reply.

Follow your sense of joy; follow your sense of excitement. These are how you feel as you are following your calling, your optimal path.

Following this optimal path, led by following your joys, you take on bigger and bigger projects, more closely aligned with who you are.

When stepping up to projects closer to your heart, you may notice fear in the mix. This is due to your desire that the project comes out the way you hope. Fair enough. Move toward your excitement, stepping through that fear. It will likely turn out a lot better than you expected.

Living life with a sense of joy increases your level of happiness coming from within, allowing you to nourish yourself as times get tough and to be a symbol and model of joy for those around you. Partners, children, co-workers, employees, bosses, friends all love to be around you for the energy you bring with you.

Some of my greatest joys are walking barefoot and climbing trees. These help me stay connected to my physical body and connected to the natural world.

Another of my greatest joys is listening, whether it’s to let you get something off your chest, or to help guide you through the labyrinth of messages in your mind and emotions in your body.

28 Jan 2021, 23:49

Weekly Alignment - Healing Your Body and Expand Heart Vision

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition

(image credit: https://hipwallpaper.com/view/Gtg24n)

Last week, looking from a spiritual perspective, we saw our enough-ness is a given.

"Of course you are enough.  I made you."
- God

This week, we had a chance to converse with a body part in pain, and expand the vision of our heart’s gifts to the world.

As always, I started us with a grounding, starting from 0'0" in the recording:

So, I'll just lead us in a grounding for for a moment while people are joining.

So allow your body to sit firmly in your seat. And with each breath,
let your muscles relax.

Allowing your sit bones to be comfortably stable.

Whether you're sitting down or standing, still allowing that grounded
feeling to reach all the way up through your hips and your sit bones.

Continuing to breathe. Allow the grounding to come up even further in your body.

Allowing any concerns from the day to simply drop off of your
shoulders. Let your shoulders sink down into this groundedness.

Let them share the support coming up from the ground and coming up
from the chair.

As you find your center of balance, your spine settles beautifully
into place: each vertebra relaxing on the one below it.

Your head, fully supported by all the musculature of your body,
balanced and in place.

Just rest in this moment of being in your body.

Fully supported by your seat which is fully supported by the floor,
fully supported by the building which itself is fully supported by the

Earth fully supported in gravity within the solar system.

The Solar System beautifully in its place in the galaxy.

Allowing yourself to be fully supported by the universe.

In this moment, bringing your consciousness back into your physical
body knowing you are in the perfect place. This time moment of now.

I invite you to rest in this awareness of knowing and trusting
yourself to know when it's time to move.

Begin to settle into the idea of opening your eyes into this space we
are co-creating, allowing your body to breathe itself,

and expressing gratitude to your body for continuing to support you as
you begin to open your eyes into our shared space.


The first meditation offered a chance to recognize a part of our body feeling pain or in some need of attention, starting from 7'13" in the recording:

Allow yourself to get settled in your body. If you need to stretch
or move, you can feel free to do that. Before getting settled down
and just again, come to an awareness of your body and awareness of
your breathing.

Allowing your body to breathe itself, and allowing your
consciousness to move down from the mind, allow your consciousness
to settle within your body, noticing how your body is feeling.

There may be some aches or pains. Simply noticing those in this moment.

Take a moment to guide your breath to that part of your body,
really giving it oxygen giving it some attention.

Breathing deeply into your lungs, send that energy to the parts of
your body that may have an ache or pain.

Take a moment to check in with that part of your body.

What is that part of the body telling you?

What need is not being met?

What message does this part of your body have for you?

What types of things can you do to support the ease and proper
functioning of your body, including this part?

Feel free to capture any insights you hear from your body part,
from your body, as it lets you know what it needs.

Take a moment to thank this part of your body.

Thank it for its support. Thank (it) for the insight.

and thanks for letting it know how to give it proper support. So
you can have a mutually supportive relationship with this part of
your body.

After having a healing conversation with our body, this meditation expanded our vision of providing our inner qualities to the world around us, starting from 13'40" in the recording:

Returning your consciousness to your breath, notice your body
continuing to breathe itself.

Allow your focus to center on your heart, your heart chakra.

With each breath, allowing the heart chakra to deepen, and
allowing the heart chakra to expand, wherever it needs to move or

However it needs to settle and feel grounded.

Give your heart chakra permission to move as it needs to energize
as it needs and as supports you.

The Heart Chakra is described as rotating energy going through
your body on both directions. Something like a lotus flower
emanating from your body.

Imagine the energy pure, bright, clear, functioning and
functioning optimally. 100% beautifully.

Recognizing the truth of who you are as a spiritual being, as a
spirit in this physical body,

You have innate qualities, innate skills and abilities we call
superpowers. These are your superpowers.

Breathing into the energies that you love to perform for the world.

Breathing into the way you feel joy in your life.

All the different ways you feel joy.

Breathing into the excitement of new possibilities in life.

Notice how simply you can invoke your superpowers.

Positively sharing your gold with the world.

These are your gifts for the world.

Those activities that heal you and bring you joy.

Notice ways you can do these more often.

Imagine taking more time, more of your precious time in the day
for enjoyment for sharing your gifts.

Imagine how expanding the time spent on your enjoyment in the
world has a ripple effect, both in the gifts that you share and in
the modeling of sharing gifts with those around you.

These gifts come from the infinite spring of the universe;
everlasting unlimited joy is available for you and for you to

Imagine expanding your reach by sharing with more people. What
does that look like?

What might that look like as you share your gifts with more and
more people?

What might you learn about yourself or confirm hunches you already
know about yourself?

Breathe into your gifts and imagine bringing them into the world,
expanding your vision, expanding your reach.

Touching more and more people with the beauty you offer in the

Allow this infinite wealth and spring of energy from the universe
to nourish you as well. Bring your body energy through the love
and excitement of sharing your gifts.

And recognizing the need to take care of your physical body as a
vehicle, this lifetime for sharing these gifts.

You're fully in touch with your body, knowing what it needs,
allowing yourself to take care of yourself as you share your gifts
with more and more people.

Taking a moment now to draw that vision. Write the insights you've
had come to you how you can share your gifts.

(Write) what it looks like to expand your reach expands your
connection with more and more like minded people who love you and
love your gifts.

What does it feel like, sharing your gifts with more and more

How do people react around you when you share your gifts?

Take a moment to create this vision for yourself in a way you can
keep in front of you, so you remember your gifts that you offer.

And allow yourself to take the opportunities presented, where you
can share your gifts.

After you've finished writing I'm curious what you've noticed what
ways you can continue to expand your vision.

Have a couple minutes of silence for writing if you need.

(The above transcript was extracted from our live interactive Weekly Alignment on Thursday night.)

Join us for Weekly Alignments online Thursday nights 7pm JST.

21 Jan 2021, 23:49

Weekly Alignment - Recognize Your Magnificence

Last week, using questions like “what parts of me are enough?” we discovered myriad ways even our minds can understand we are enough.

This week, looking from a spiritual perspective, our enough-ness is a given.

"Of course you are enough.  I made you."
- God
Recognizing you are enough is sometimes a trick to the ego,
thinking "oh you didn't do this right, you didn't do that right,
you've got to do this or that," and yet on the spiritual plane
it's like a given that everything is perfect.

You are enough to such a point that that's not even something that
God talks about.

It's like "what are you talking about of course you're enough; I
made you." kind of kind of level.

So there's like a conflict between the ego trying to prove itself
and to keep its job versus the spiritual being living in a world
full of egos that are all trying to keep their prospective jobs.

How do we continue to recognize this truth of being enough despite
the ego saying we're not enough, tv saying we're not enough,
competition inadvertent or not, when different people have cooler
houses or you know longer you know selfie sticks so it's like all
these different competitions kind of happen and that is in a way,
that's the downfall of our belief or not even belief but downfall
of realizing that we are enough.

How does this conflict play out in your life? or What are some
ways that you notice the conflict? or How do you handle it?  What
do you notice about this happening in your life?

I may have mentioned it before, that people love to see
vulnerability and hate to be vulnerable.  This is coming from uh
uh what's her name? I have the book right here She did it. Brene
Brown.  This _Daring Greatly_ book I think it's from this book
that she mentioned that maybe her other book that

You are compassionate for those people on the the podcast that are
experiencing whatever troubles in their life and sharing that with
the the podcast per who is what's the name of the podcast over
over and on with it so they're they're sharing their situation
with christine and in 45 minutes like really putting themselves
out into the into the open and seeing that benefit that it's
similar to something that you've experienced and just reminds me
that having the courage to be vulnerable helps other people maybe
more than we understand so yeah that's something that I want to
remind myself to be vulnerable to give permission and to model
being vulnerable to uh the public or I don't know what it may look
like in any different any certain situation but

I'm asking the question to get a sense of how to lead a meditation
type process for today.

As always having your pen handy pen and paper handy to write down
any insights.  Great.  and starting with last week's recognition
that you are enough in many different ways remembering in what
ways am I enough what are some ways I am enough recalling those
answers you may want to write down any new answers if they come
now and while you're feeling the enoughness as given from the
universe and the higher highest connection to to god or spirit as
you know it stay within that feeling of enoughness and maybe just
remember a little bit of the messages that you may have heard in
the past allow them to be very faint just so you can remember what
they were while you remain in this clear awareness of enough just
as you are simply be in this awareness of I am noticing the very
faint old messages that try to say otherwise you should or you
didn't or whatever they may be trying to say remain grounded and
fully immersed I am energy of enoughness notice your breathing
breathing smoothly flowing with energy of enough being here in
your full spiritual glory within this human experience fully
recognizing you are enough breathing into your chest notice the
glow of enough and perfection emanating from your heart like a
golden light that blesses everything around you those old voices
becoming a distant memory as the heart grows and smiles..  fills
the room around you with its love and its knowledge you are a gift
from heaven in this body on earth continuing to breathe fully into
your heart allow the energy of your heart to spread to others who
also recognize they are a gift from heaven in these bodies allow
this glowing heart of love to expand beyond the city until it's
covering the entire country blessing all that it touches around
the world until this giant glowing essence of enough spiritual
perfection is enveloping the entire earth entire planet.  Expand
even larger allow this essence to reconnect with the sun who is
absolutely enough.  It shines onto everyone every day blessing all
parts of the earth as it turns..  The sun is absolutely enough.
We see that every day.  Allow your light to shine as brightly as
the sun, sharing your heart sharing your being knowing you are
enough.  Simply resting in this knowledge resting in this fact of
enoughness.  In a moment we'll begin to consolidate energy back
into our bodies recognizing now we're containing the entire sun
with our heart energy.  Begin to call your heart back into your
physical body, offering your blessing to the sun as you begin to
bring the heart toward your body.  Let your heart and the sun
shine on each other from afar, continuing to bring your energy
back into your physical body, wondering how it can possibly fit?
Recognizing the magnitude of who you really are.  Continue to call
in your energy until it's the size of the planet; keep breathing
and call your energy into your body.  Let your heart become the
size of the country, slowly breathing it in to be the size of the
city, and gently gently as if a feather coming down to rest, your
heart gently fully reconnects in your physical space as it
naturally emanates about a meter outside your body.  Just welcome
your heart back home, remembering what it felt like with your
heart as large as the sun connecting across the solar system,
Begin to reconnect with your mind.  Notice how the other messages
pale compared to the brightness and the beautiful intensity of
your heart, of your spiritual being.  All the should haves and
could haves and didn't do's become meaningless.  and they all
become good enough.  Recognize the enoughness of each one and
bless it with your heart.  Recognizing the items on your to-do
list, which ones truly deserve your attention?  and which ones are
already good enough?  Allowing your heart to decide, your heart to
know and share that information with you on the moment-to-moment
basis as you move forward so you know clearly how a being with the
heart the size of the solar system is already here already enough,
and simply engages just as needed spontaneously as conditions
arise remaining at peace remaining in stillness responding with
love and grace as needed and no more.  until the entire life
becomes like a play playing in joy as each and every event comes
onto the screen and goes off the screen living in joy no matter
what is on the screen recognizing that everything is perfect and
we simply respond as needed in the moment the heart knows the way
rests in the heart allowing it to guide the way in a moment we'll
begin to reconnect with our shared space and in doing so remain
connected with the heart space.  Recognizing your heart energy
balanced, glowing, emanating from your body: always there always
available.  Always reminding you you are enough.  Breathing into
the blessings coming from your heart, just let them be a constant
reminder of your enoughness.  As you're ready begin to open your
eyes back into our shared space,

Feel free to take a moment to jot down anything you noticed.

It was beautiful allowing it to come through in real time.

I look forward to listening to this recording next year and be
like hey wow you know noticing the expansion that will have taken
place by then.. "This staircase is a lot smaller than I remember

So yeah, recognizing what you just said, this state of your
expansion now *is* enough.  We are living in a 3D reality that
includes a time component on the side or mixed within somehow.  So
living in the 4D is part of the program.  So we're experiencing
linear time as part of life part of the existence and While
consciousness is free to move

through time and through space, day-to-day living is in this time
and this space.  Just allowing that to be enough, allowing the
universe to open before you, as you move.  So yeah that's the
blessing for today; the memory I want to leave with allowing this
moment to be enough and bless yourself on the journey.  I bless
you on your journey and look forward to continuing the journey as
we go.  Yeah absolutely thank you.

(The above transcript was extracted from our live interactive Weekly Alignment on Thursday night.)

Join us for Weekly Alignments online Thursday nights 7pm JST.